GetUpp Play
Active online streaming channel

Choose from over 100 on-demand videos
With GetUpp Play, you gain access to a library of 100+ on-demand videos designed to motivate you and your colleagues or friends.
Join our online training modules, which provide easy and convenient access to movement and exercise in your daily routine. Stream our online training sessions on demand – whenever it suits you.
GetUpp Play offers various training modules, including:
- Active Break
- Pulse & Power
- MindBoost
- Ergonomics
- Stretching Break
- Pit Stop
- Yoga
Take part in online movement and training
GetUpp Play gives you access to a range of exercises aimed at preventing and relieving the pain and tension that often accompany sedentary work.
Each exercise category is carefully crafted to fit seamlessly into your work routine, requiring minimal space and no special equipment. With a variety of options, you can choose exercises that suit your schedule, energy level and preferences, helping you make movement an easy part of your workday.
Boost your workday with simple, effective activities
Our active breaks consist of simple, everyday exercises that can be done in regular clothing.
Build strength and engage your entire body with an intense “Pulse & Power“-workout.
Create a mental breathing space with our MindBoost.
Get a guide to optimizing workplace ergonomics.
Stretching breaks provide gentle and calming exercises that everyone can participate in.
Pit stop is exercises designed for those on the go.
Yoga will help you loosen up and unwind.