Creating teams.

In this guide, we show you how to create teams for your challenge.

Navigate to this page under challenges.

Here you can create your team and to start a challenge the team has to have a name.

All you have to do is enter your team name and press: Next.

If you want to have others on your team, you can see more HERE.

From this page, you can create a team to compete against.

To create a new team, press: Create new team.

When you do, you will see the screen below.

Here you enter the team name of the team you want to compete against.

By pressing: Add new members to the team, you can invite colleagues to join the team.

By pressing: Next… you create the team with the members you have invited.

You will now see this screen:

Then press: Start – Versus Challenge.

You have now created a team for your challenge.

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